Individual kayak tour at Wda river
To paddle
trough the whole Wda You need about 8 days. This is the description of the
whole trail:
Lipusz –
there is drug store, health center, restaurant, shops. You can get there by
train or by bus. While being in the city it’s worth to see the building of Bank
Spó?dzielczy and old church from 1866-1867 with
movable altar, figure of saint Frank and Mary with child all saved from the big
0,0km Start in Lipusz
3,0km under the bridge on the route
Chojnice-Ko?cierzyna You should look out for the rocks and big sticks in the
water, because the stream starts to go faster, after few moves of paddle it
starts Wdzydzki Landscape Park.
The stream is going faster but also the sandbanks are more often.
6,9km bridge in P?ocice
8,4km wooden bridge near Ostrów Szwedzki, further on
the right side of the river there is connection to the lake Osty
10,1km entrance to the lake Schodno,
nearby there is nature path and on the right side of the lake there is a
camping place. We reach the village Loryniec, before this one You should look
out for the metal pile.
13,9km Wawrzyno city, there is a shop, till Czarlino
there are many rocks on the bottom.
19,5km entrance to the Radolne lake, on the right side
there is S?upinko Lake), together with Wdzydze, Jele? and Go?u? lake they are
creating so called Kaszubskie Sea, You are paddling near small Koz?owiec
peninsula, than You should reach Wdzydze lake, You should be very careful with
the wind, because it can make really big and dangerous waves so You should
paddle close to the Ostrowa Wielka and Ma?a island.
27,8km watergate before village Borsk, (150m carriage
of the kayaks), You have to look out for the rocks in the water, that can
damage Your kayaks (except kayaks made of polyethylene) next to it there is
camping place and bar
28,9km bridge near Borsk – route Wdzydze-Wiele
29,9km branching of the river and the channel, nearby
there is wooden bridge, next to it there is 20m carriage of kayaks, on this
part of river Wda has many rocks on the bottom and very fast stream. If there
is low level of water tour can be really exhausting, so You can turn on the Wda
Channel and go with it till Miedzno and near village Wda move back to the
32,9km You are reaching village B?k, the stream is
very fast, in shop You can buy some food and other needed staffs
34,5km You are passing train bridge (related to
Czersk-Ko?cierzyna), on the left side You can see first buildings of the
village Miedzno and the camping place on the scarp, nearby there is reservation
“Kamienne Kr?gi” (stone circles) in Odry
40,4km buildings of village Wojtal, there is a shop,
fish farm, You need to carry kayak about 15m trough the road and on the big
scarp put them back to the water
42,7km You are passing big train bridge, You need to
be careful, there are many rocks on the bottom
44,5km on the left side there is estuary to the lake Wieckie
49km You are reaching Czarna Woda, behind the
bridge, there is camping a place and pension, after few meters You will pass
train bridge and bridge on international route Szczecin-Malbrok, while passing
those bridges You should look after the rocks and the stream.
Czarna Woda
– in the city there are shops, restaurants, post office, sport area, marina,
bus and train station. You can see there exposition “Nature of Bory
56,9km bridge in Zimne Zdroje, on the left side of the
river there is a camping place, nearby there is connection to Zblewska Struga
and Wda Chanel
59,4km camping place in Parcele Klani?skie called
62,9km You are reach
ing Czubek where You can find camping
place, bar and shop. You need to be careful because in this camping stealing is
very common,
65km You are passin
g bridge in Czarne
74,2km camping place In Borzechowo
DAY 6 M?YNKI-WDA /19km

81,4km M?ynki- small village with well prepared
camping place, it’s not easy to do shopping here and You should look after the
thief’s so keep Your stuff with You.
86,3km bridge on the route Chojnice-Skórcz – look
after the rocks
DAY 7 WDA-B??DNO /25km
92,9km Wda- on the remote area of his village there is
very nice camping place,
94,9km hydro-electric power station in Wdecki M?yn,
50m carriage, on the next 200m there is a camping place made by forestry
98,9km You can see village Smolniki
102,3km connection with K??bnica river
104,8km connection with ?wi?ta Struga, chich Leeds to the lake Stawski
M?yn. Forester's lodge ?urawki with camping place
114,2 km Wild nature reserve„Krzywe Ko?o” In the loop of Wda
river- forest is mixed with protection and many unique spiecies of trees
117,7km You are reaching B??dno- You should look after the
stream and places where are some
leftovers after old bridge sticking out of water. 200m further there is a camping place, You are reachnig Wdecki National Park
DAY 8 B??DNO-TLE? /22km
129,9km You are reaching Forester's lodge
Pohulanka, his is the beginning of the harder part of the river, stream is much
faster and rocks on the bottom are
really a trouble for non experienced kayakers, the first problem is passing
collapsed oak, You should be very careful and keep paddles along the kayak, after
few meters You will reach the bridge from where the kayak goes by himself
138,1km exit of Prusina, You are passing the bridge in the
route Trzebciny-Osie, You are reaching Tle?. Tle?- it used to be a fishing
settlement situated on the exit of the river Ryszka and Prusina, and a popular
place for vacation
139,9km ?urski reservoir, campsite, shop and kayaks rental on
the peninsula, You should paddle on the left side in direction of the biggest
island on the lake called Madera
141,9km bridge in the Grzybek village
145,5km begging of the channel that is connected to hydro-electric
power station (before entering the channel You need to get permission from the power
station - 052 332 95 01 it is open between 7-22) after about by channel
900m You should pass small bridge and get to the left bank to the stairs on the
opposite side of the power station buildings. You need to carry kayak about
150m next to the Power stadion on the right side.
156,2km bridge on the route Drzycim-Laskowice, If You want to go farther You
need to check if the next power station is still working. Info about working
hours You can get with this phone number 052 331 68 64
| pseudo: | John |
| mail: | - |
| comment: | hello!
I took a part in canoe trip last month and I was fascinated! Easy river, the best for me, who wasn't very advanced! We saw beaver's signs on the trees! I recommend this river very much!