Prices kayaks and canoe
Kayak polyethylene VISTA:

The data of kayak Vista:
polyethylene - extremely tough and resistant material ensuring lack of damage
opened cocpit ensure o lot of place for a ludgage even during long kayak tour
comfortable sits - collapsible for easier loading
map case at the bow
2 longitudinal hollows in the bottom improving controllability of the kayak
special grips making carring of the kayak easier
length: 4,70 m
width: 78 cm
draught: 500 l
capacity: 290 kg
weight: about 33 kg

Price list :
Kayak polyethylene 2 persons :
from 38 PLN - 99 PLN/1 day
Canoe for 3 persons:
from 48 PLN - 99 PLN/1 ?day
Jett it's stable, expedition canoe for one:
- comfortable folding seat with drains water
- mesh bags for front and at the sides
- plug aft
- handles for transport
- cymene holders fore and aft
- length: 4,0 m
- width: 70 cm
- weigh: 29 kg
- capasity: 190 kg
Kayak polyethylene FINDER :
We offer FINDER 2-seat polyethylene tourist kayaks:

polyethylene - extremely durable material ensuring NO damage
durable seat - high, folded so that you can easily load your luggage into a canoe
high side for even greater security
seat construction for secure padding
comfortable handles for transport
the right width guarantees stability and high payload
convex kill over the entire length of the kayak + 2 convex ballasts on both sides, which in combination with a wide and flat bottom ensures high stability on the water
the possibility of installing an additional seat for a child
length: 4.14 M
width: 80 cm
buoyancy - 460 l
load capacity - 300 kg
weight about 36 kg
Price list
Kayak polyethylene 2 persons :
from 38 PLN - 99 PLN/1 day
Canoe for 3 person:
Features of canoe:
- Anatomically contoured seat
- Central bench with storage, cup holders, rod
- Waterproof compartment for small items
- Practical support for paddles
- Convenient handles on the bow and stern
- Buoyancy material made of Styrofoam blocks placed under the benches
Canoe for 3 persons:
from 48 PLN - 99 PLN/1 day
+ costs of transport