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splywy kajakowe
We organize kayak and canoe trips
on all rivers in Poland

Individual kayak tour at ?upawa river

Kayak tour at ?upawa and Bukowina is recommended only for experienced canoeists!

Dream route for someone who likes extreme conditions - the water in a kayak, spray, foam on his face, ongoing trucks and holes in the hull. Wild ?upawa closely resembles the fast mountain river, which is more than peaceful bustrzy mainstream. In the upper and middle section adds to its charm high, steep hills towering over the water and growing on the edges of the old forest. Courageous kayakers attracts additional label "only for the hardcore". Beginners should hone their skills elsewhere. ?upawa run down the best!


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1- 2 days kayak tour
If you have only fer days free and look for excitment, we propose you to struggle ?upawa.

1st day: Kozin - ?upawa /18 km
2nd day: ?upawa - ?ebie? /14 km

Behind Kozin, the watershed of ?upawa starts. Numerous stony swifts currents needs a lot of attention and perfect waterreading because it is easy to overturn. To Kozin it is the best to get by bus PKS from L?bork, S?upsk or Kartuzy. If you travel by car, there are suitable places to park your car.

4-5 days kayak tour
If you have more time to struggle with the river, we recommend:

1st day: Jasie? - Kozin /9 km
2nd day: Kozin - ?upawa /18 km
3rd day: ?upawa - ?ebie? /14 km
4th day: ?ebie? - Drze?ewo /15 km
5th day: Drze?ewo - ?elkowo /9km

You can also choose another route, to swim Bukowina through.
1st day: Bukowina - Kozin /17 km
2nd day: Kozin - ?upawa /18 km
3rd day: ?upawa - ?ebie? /14 km
4th day: ?ebie? - Drze?ewo /15 km
5th day: Drze?ewo - ?elkowo /9 km




Quick  reservation

 0048 601 945219





Our rental bases :

BRDA - brda@kajaki.pl  

SZKARPAWA i NOGAT - nogat@kajaki.pl

DRAWA - drawa@kajaki.pl


HANCZA i  ROSPUDA -  hancza@kajaki.pl

SAPINA i WEGORAPA -  sapina@kajaki.pl 

BIEBRZA                   -  biebrza@kajaki.pl


SZKARPAWA i TUGA - tuga@kajaki.pl

KANAL ELBASKI - pochylnie@kajaki.pl 

PIASNICA i REDA -  reda@kajaki.pl

RADUNIA - radunia@kajaki.pl



KRUTYNIA - krutynia@kajaki.pl 

LYNA - lyna@kajaki.pl

MARÓZKA - marozka@kajaki.pl

OMULEW - omulew@kajaki.pl

DRWECA - drweca@kajaki.pl


LITWA - litwa@kajaki.pl


INNE TRASY  - info@kajaki.pl


Price list 2021

vista pionowo.gif

Kayak polyethylene 2 persons :

from 88 PLN  - 99 PLN/1 day


Canoe for 3 persons:
from 98 PLN  - 99 PLN/1 ?day

  +costs of transport

Kaszuby: Brda | Chocina | K?onecznica | Prusina | Wda | Zbrzyca
Mazury: Dajna and Guber | Drw?ca | Ko?na | Krutynia | ?yna | Marózka | Omulew | Pisa Warmi?ska - Dadaj - Wd?g  | Sapina
Pojezierze Drawskie: Drawa | Gwda | Korytnica | Pi?awa | Rurzyca | We?na
Pomorze: ?eba | ?upawa and Bukowina | Pars?ta | Radunia | Rega | S?upia | Wieprza | Wierzyca and Wietcisa
Suwalszczyzna: Biebrza | Czarna Ha?cza | Rospuda
?u?awy near Gda?sk: Elbl?ski Chanel | Nogat
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