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splywy kajakowe
We organize kayak and canoe trips
on all rivers in Poland

Kayak trip on Dajna and Guber

Let's go kayaking on Dajna and Guber, Mazury near Mr?gowo!

Dajna River is suitable for canoeing and kayaking route labeled  only on the section from Piecki to Swieta Lipka. This route has a length of 36km and is pretty easy to flow, so warmly recommended for families with children!
More experienced kayakers, fond of putting ambitious challenges can continue to flow down the river Dajna and then Guber  until it flows into the ?yna.

These rivers at considerable length are regulated and intersect mostly rural. Trend mostly slow, only just behind weirs quite rapid.

The lower part of the river Dajna and Guber are technically quite difficult and can be a nuisance, it is not very suitable for recreational canoeing. You should be very careful, especially in trying to overcome obstacles. The biggest challenge is to overcome numerous water thresholds.

In the initial and final section of the trail there is interesting scenic river, mostly trail leads through farmland S?popolaska Plain. Trail has a generally low water.
Proposals of 1-2 days run-off (Dajna):
1st day: Piecki "Lesna PTTK" - Mr?gowo / 13km
2nd day: Mragowo - ?wi?ta Lipka / 21km

Possibility to extend the run-off to 6 days (Dajna - Guber):
3th day: Lipka - Biedaszki / 17km /
4th day: Biedaszki - Plain Lower / 19km
5th day: Lower Plain - Lwowiec / 15km
6th day: Lviv - S?popol / 20km





Quick  reservation

 0048 601 945219





Our rental bases :

BRDA - brda@kajaki.pl  

SZKARPAWA i NOGAT - nogat@kajaki.pl

DRAWA - drawa@kajaki.pl


HANCZA i  ROSPUDA -  hancza@kajaki.pl

SAPINA i WEGORAPA -  sapina@kajaki.pl 

BIEBRZA                   -  biebrza@kajaki.pl


SZKARPAWA i TUGA - tuga@kajaki.pl

KANAL ELBASKI - pochylnie@kajaki.pl 

PIASNICA i REDA -  reda@kajaki.pl

RADUNIA - radunia@kajaki.pl



KRUTYNIA - krutynia@kajaki.pl 

LYNA - lyna@kajaki.pl

MARÓZKA - marozka@kajaki.pl

OMULEW - omulew@kajaki.pl

DRWECA - drweca@kajaki.pl


LITWA - litwa@kajaki.pl


INNE TRASY  - info@kajaki.pl


Price list 2021

vista pionowo.gif

Kayak polyethylene 2 persons :

from 88 PLN  - 99 PLN/1 day


Canoe for 3 persons:
from 98 PLN  - 99 PLN/1 ?day

  +costs of transport

Kaszuby: Brda | Chocina | K?onecznica | Prusina | Wda | Zbrzyca
Mazury: Dajna and Guber | Drw?ca | Ko?na | Krutynia | ?yna | Marózka | Omulew | Pisa Warmi?ska - Dadaj - Wd?g  | Sapina
Pojezierze Drawskie: Drawa | Gwda | Korytnica | Pi?awa | Rurzyca | We?na
Pomorze: ?eba | ?upawa and Bukowina | Pars?ta | Radunia | Rega | S?upia | Wieprza | Wierzyca and Wietcisa
Suwalszczyzna: Biebrza | Czarna Ha?cza | Rospuda
?u?awy near Gda?sk: Elbl?ski Chanel | Nogat
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