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splywy kajakowe
We organize kayak and canoe trips
on all rivers in Poland

Weekends on the river Rospuda

Day I - Friday

You arrive at the campsite at a farm "Sumowo"
Baka?arzewie.Po arrival in tents, evening campfire integration. Prediction of the bivouac: a separate campsite, toilets, showers extra charge, 3 piers, volleyball field, the nearest grocery stores - about 1km.

Day Two - Saturday

Long Lake - Lake Sumowo - about 10km

We get up in the morning, but fortunately do not have to consist of tents, because they spend the night on the same field
campsite. We're going up the river, because approx. 10 am you have to be ready to go,
When you reach the lake. Long Lake will be held to allocate hardware and sail on the trail,
the first episode is quite lively with overturned by beavers trees and protruding rocks,
before Baka?arzewo can stop for a tour of bunkers from World War II, guided by a custodian on this route waiting to carry your kayak at the old mill, the boat upon arrival (16:00 pm) time for a free dinner on site

from 21.00 to 23.00 hrs relaxation for body and mind in the sauna, Finnish

Finish the day at a common campfire ...

Day III - Sunday

Lake Sumowo - Small Handles - about 10km

Around 10.00 we set off on the trail awaits us today canoe crossing picturesque lakes and Round Bolesty to the village Small Handles approx. 16 that reach the small hands, at the former mill
we return to our campsite to wake up to a delicious dinner, we make tents; full of impressions, relaxed and rested back to their homes

The price includes rafting:

- Kayaks + accessories (2-person kayaks, life vests, paddles, waterproof container for small items)
- Paid for 2 nights - campsite, own tents
- Meals under option
- Participation in rejuvenating sauna
- 2 outbreaks (in the wood)
- Fee for parking your car for the duration of runoff

    Price does not include:

- Lunches to evening bonfires
- Charges for using the shower
- Personal camping equipment (tents, mats, sleeping bag, etc.).
- Hire additional waterproof bags
- Tickets to the Museum of bunkers from World War II




Quick  reservation

 0048 601 945219




No free terms.

Our rental bases :

BRDA - brda@kajaki.pl  

SZKARPAWA i NOGAT - nogat@kajaki.pl

DRAWA - drawa@kajaki.pl


HANCZA i  ROSPUDA -  hancza@kajaki.pl

SAPINA i WEGORAPA -  sapina@kajaki.pl 

BIEBRZA                   -  biebrza@kajaki.pl


SZKARPAWA i TUGA - tuga@kajaki.pl

KANAL ELBASKI - pochylnie@kajaki.pl 

PIASNICA i REDA -  reda@kajaki.pl

RADUNIA - radunia@kajaki.pl



KRUTYNIA - krutynia@kajaki.pl 

LYNA - lyna@kajaki.pl

MARÓZKA - marozka@kajaki.pl

OMULEW - omulew@kajaki.pl

DRWECA - drweca@kajaki.pl


LITWA - litwa@kajaki.pl


INNE TRASY  - info@kajaki.pl


Kaszuby: Brda | Chocina | K?onecznica | Prusina | Wda | Zbrzyca
Mazury: Dajna and Guber | Drw?ca | Ko?na | Krutynia | ?yna | Marózka | Omulew | Pisa Warmi?ska - Dadaj - Wd?g  | Sapina
Pojezierze Drawskie: Drawa | Gwda | Korytnica | Pi?awa | Rurzyca | We?na
Pomorze: ?eba | ?upawa and Bukowina | Pars?ta | Radunia | Rega | S?upia | Wieprza | Wierzyca and Wietcisa
Suwalszczyzna: Biebrza | Czarna Ha?cza | Rospuda
?u?awy near Gda?sk: Elbl?ski Chanel | Nogat
Obozy kajakowe: Wczasy kajakowe:

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