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We organize kayak and canoe trips
on all rivers in Poland

individual kayak tour at Krutynia

Krutynia is believed to be one of the most interesting of Europe's low-lying routs. The route is very exciting, varied and picturesque. It crosses The Pisz Wilderness and The Mazurian View Park.

Attractiveness of this route is expressed not only in the ability of staying among primeval nature but also in the availability of well developed base of riverside hostels and properly equipped camps . While going down the Krutynia River there are a lot of places worth visiting.

They are: Neo-Gothic Palace in Sorkwity, Wild Animals Park in Kadzidlowo, Old-Believers Monastery in Wojnowo, the Pranie forester's lodge, Zakret (Bend), and Królewska Sosna (The Royal Pine) Reserves. While being in Ukta you must have a sauna which is situated near the river.

If You hale only few days off, You should really fokus on the most beautiful part of this river. We highly recommend followed trail:

1st day: Kruty?-Ukta /12kmkaj8.jpg

2nd day: Ukta-Iznota /14km

This part of the river is very easy and is appropriate even for non-experienced kayakers or families with small children. To Kruty? You can get by bus from Ruciane Nida (about 10km) or Miko?ajki (about 15km). If You are traveling by car we suggest leave the car on the safe parking in Kruty?. We will collect You to the car on the end of the trip.

4-5 days of paddling – for that long period You should start Your tour in Sorkwity. This is the proposition of the trail:

1st day Sorkwity - J. Bia?e – Wyspa Owcza /15km

0,0km Sorkwity village – You can see here baroque church from 1607, reconstructed in XX century palace from XVII century, rebuilt into English gothic style. There is train station, bus station, post office, gas station, pharmacy, few shops and bars. The best place to start is next to the marina PTTK, but You have to pay for it, You can leave Your car on secured parking. On the lake You should keep right shore and than across the lake to it’s left shore.

2,3km Lampasz lake

6,6km pier, good place to swim for awhile, beginning of stream Sobiepanka, length about 1,5km, in case of low level of the water You have to be prepared for pulling Your kayak. On the right side of small bridge there is bar and small camping place.

9,2km estuary to Kujno lake, connection with small river Grabówka.

10,2km bridge on the route Mr?gowo-Rybno, before bridge You can see bar, and a shop on the hill, You should look after the stones in the water while passing the bridge.

10,6km Borowe village, estuary to D?u?ec lake, You should keep close to left shore, after about 500m there is camping place.

14,1km estuary to Bia?e lake, on the lake there is Wyspa Owcza with camping place and ferry connection with the shore, on the right side there is another island good for camping. You should paddle through this lake in direction of buildings of Marina PTTK


2nd day: Jez. Bia?e – Jez. Zyzdrój – Wyspa Mi?o?ci /16km

18,7km Gant lake, kayak should be directed to the next cape, situated on the oposite shore, behind it You should see ruins of the old bridge.

 21,4km You are reaching Grancka Struga – it goes among reeds and other water plants, than it goes trough the forest. Next there is fallen bridge and You should be careful while paddling there.

22,9km Gnacka Struga connects with Babi?cka Struga (You can turn right and get to Tejsowo lake where is very good place for picnic and swimming in good weather.

24,6km Babi?ta village, there are shops, 2 bars, bus station, marina, near the bridge on the route Mr?gowo-Szczytno you should get to the right bank and You have to carry kayaks for 50m, the current is getting faster, after few meters You should reach Zyzdrój Wielki lake, on the left shore You will pass Nowy Zyzdrój locality.

32,1km Wyspa Mi?o?ci, You are paddling on Zyzdrój Ma?y lake (on the left shore there is camping place.


3rd day: Zyzdrój – Zgon / 22km

35,8km locked sluice, You hale to carry kayaks on the right side, about 80m (sometimes there is possibility to rent trolley), after that You will paddle Zyzdrojowa Struga

38,8km Spychowskie lake, Spychowo village (bar, pharmacy, shop, bus station, train station, medical center), You should be careful while paddling under the bridge on the route Mr?gowo-Rozogi because of the current – it’s getting faster.

42,9km pass to the Kierwik lake, on the both sides there are agro-farms and private camping places.

43,5km bridge, and on the left side big camping place, You are reaching Uplik lake, on the left side in the middle of the lake there is reserve “Czaplisko – ?awny lasek”, You need to keep quite there.

46,1km bridge on the route Ruciane-Babi?ta (parking place and small gastronomy) in the distance You can see Zgon village, You are reaching Mokre lake.


4th day: Zgon - Ukta /25km

54,4km water gate which separates Mokre lake and Kruty? river, 15m carriage, You should look for wooden sticks in the bottom, around the lake there is reserve “Krutynia”

59,0km marina and Krutynia village, this is “the capital of polish touristy for kayaks and weekends”. There are many shops, pensions, post office, bus station, water equipment rentals, it’s worth to see main market in the village

61,6km mill dam, You should carry kayaks on the right shore, about 150m, You can rent trolley,

64,7km Rosocha village, with camping places and bar

68km paddling on the right there is a pass and estuary to Du? lake (it’s just an option)kaj10.jpg

68,6km bridge in Wojnowo village, You should look after the trees on the water.

71,1km Ukta village, it came in to existence in XVIII century, mostly as holiday place, there are many places to stay for night, shops, marina, post office, pharmacy, medical center, bus stop.


5th day: Ukta – Iznota /15km

72,1km marina PTTK, reserve “Krutynia Dolna”

78,9km marina in Nowy Most

82km estuary to Gardy?skie lake, pass to Malinówko lake

84,2km camping place, pass to Jerzewko lake, You can prolong Your tour to Ruciane (1 day) or move to Pisz on Pisa river (another 4-5 days)


This is an opportunity to paddle on the most beautiful lakes on Warmia and Mazury district. To Sorkwity You can get by bus or train from Olsztyn (about 50km). Marina is about 400m from the station. If You have car You can leave it on secured parking place.


To paddle the whole trail of Krutynia You should reserve 7-8 days. This is the proposition of the trail:

1st day: Sorkwity- Bia?e lake /15km

2nd day: Bia?e lake – Zyzdrój lake /16km

3rd day: Zyzdrój lake – Zgon /22km

4th day: Zgon – Krutynia / 13km

5th day: Krutynia – Ukta / 12km

6th day: Ukta – Iznota /15km

7th day: Iznota – Ruciane Nida / 15km


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    pseudo:  Mike
    mail: -
    commentI was there with my family and we were very fascinated. Very easy river, great for not much advanced people. I remember that bi attraction for my childres were dragonflies flying around us ;)


Quick  reservation

 0048 601 945219





Our rental bases :

BRDA - brda@kajaki.pl  

SZKARPAWA i NOGAT - nogat@kajaki.pl

DRAWA - drawa@kajaki.pl


HANCZA i  ROSPUDA -  hancza@kajaki.pl

SAPINA i WEGORAPA -  sapina@kajaki.pl 

BIEBRZA                   -  biebrza@kajaki.pl


SZKARPAWA i TUGA - tuga@kajaki.pl

KANAL ELBASKI - pochylnie@kajaki.pl 

PIASNICA i REDA -  reda@kajaki.pl

RADUNIA - radunia@kajaki.pl



KRUTYNIA - krutynia@kajaki.pl 

LYNA - lyna@kajaki.pl

MARÓZKA - marozka@kajaki.pl

OMULEW - omulew@kajaki.pl

DRWECA - drweca@kajaki.pl


LITWA - litwa@kajaki.pl


INNE TRASY  - info@kajaki.pl


Price list 2021

vista pionowo.gif

Kayak polyethylene 2 persons :

from 88 PLN  - 99 PLN/1 day


Canoe for 3 persons:
from 98 PLN  - 99 PLN/1 ?day

  +costs of transport

Kaszuby: Brda | Chocina | K?onecznica | Prusina | Wda | Zbrzyca
Mazury: Dajna and Guber | Drw?ca | Ko?na | Krutynia | ?yna | Marózka | Omulew | Pisa Warmi?ska - Dadaj - Wd?g  | Sapina
Pojezierze Drawskie: Drawa | Gwda | Korytnica | Pi?awa | Rurzyca | We?na
Pomorze: ?eba | ?upawa and Bukowina | Pars?ta | Radunia | Rega | S?upia | Wieprza | Wierzyca and Wietcisa
Suwalszczyzna: Biebrza | Czarna Ha?cza | Rospuda
?u?awy near Gda?sk: Elbl?ski Chanel | Nogat
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