Indyvidual kayaking and canoing at Rega river
Kayak tour at Rega river lasts on average 6-7 days, every day you swim about 20 km. You will need to carry your kayak about two times a day (in every bigger city) but there are no problems with camping sites. We especially recommend the camping site behind the brigde betwen Loboz and Unimie - shed, benches, place for camp-fire and everything for free. You can have a walk by the lake Che?m (1/2 h) to watch a syberian cottage. Behind the bridge there is only one a little bit harder part of the river - stronger stream. It is worth to stay for one day by the lake near Smolecino. River flows into the sea in Mrze?yno, but you can swim through the chanel of Stara Rega (Old Rega) to the lagon lake Resko (unfortunately three places to carry the kayak). You can have a camping at the jacht marina or at the arm of the river which link the lake with the sea.
6-days kayak tour
1st day: ?obez - ?agiewniki / 23 km
2nd day: ?agiewniki - ?erzyno / 16 km
3rd day: ??rzyno - Barkowo / 19 km
4th day: Barkowo - uj?cie Lubiszowej / 14 km
5th day: uj?cie Lubiszowej - K?odkowo / 13 km
6th day: K?odkowo - Mrze?yno / 21,5 km