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splywy kajakowe
We organize kayak and canoe trips
on all rivers in Poland

Enjoy a scenic kayaking on the rivers of Warmia and Mazury!

The most interesting offers is Krutynia and canoeing trails between successive kayaking places of PTTK Mazuty.We offer rafting on the different sections of the trail, You can choose dates from late June to September. On the weekend kayaking recommend our rental equipment PTTK Sorkwity. Start here kayaking and canoeing trail on Krutynia. Nearby Sorkwity there are other canoe trails - Dajny river to St. Lipka and Dadaj River, which connects to the Lyna- the longest river in the region. Krutynia is the most commonly chosen route. Determines a well-organized network of ten boathouses PTTK. They are located along the trail, and the opportunity for accommodation in cabins and tent sites.

Organized trips in 2021:


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Our rental bases :

BRDA - brda@kajaki.pl  

SZKARPAWA i NOGAT - nogat@kajaki.pl

DRAWA - drawa@kajaki.pl


HANCZA i  ROSPUDA -  hancza@kajaki.pl

SAPINA i WEGORAPA -  sapina@kajaki.pl 

BIEBRZA                   -  biebrza@kajaki.pl


SZKARPAWA i TUGA - tuga@kajaki.pl

KANAL ELBASKI - pochylnie@kajaki.pl 

PIASNICA i REDA -  reda@kajaki.pl

RADUNIA - radunia@kajaki.pl



KRUTYNIA - krutynia@kajaki.pl 

LYNA - lyna@kajaki.pl

MARÓZKA - marozka@kajaki.pl

OMULEW - omulew@kajaki.pl

DRWECA - drweca@kajaki.pl


LITWA - litwa@kajaki.pl


INNE TRASY  - info@kajaki.pl


Price list 2021

vista pionowo.gif

Kayak polyethylene 2 persons :

from 88 PLN  - 99 PLN/1 day


Canoe for 3 persons:
from 98 PLN  - 99 PLN/1 ?day

  +costs of transport

Kaszuby: Brda | Chocina | K?onecznica | Prusina | Wda | Zbrzyca
Mazury: Dajna and Guber | Drw?ca | Ko?na | Krutynia | ?yna | Marzka | Omulew | Pisa Warmi?ska - Dadaj - Wd?g  | Sapina
Pojezierze Drawskie: Drawa | Gwda | Korytnica | Pi?awa | Rurzyca | We?na
Pomorze: ?eba | ?upawa and Bukowina | Pars?ta | Radunia | Rega | S?upia | Wieprza | Wierzyca and Wietcisa
Suwalszczyzna: Biebrza | Czarna Ha?cza | Rospuda
?u?awy near Gda?sk: Elbl?ski Chanel | Nogat
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